Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Neurotic One Turns...30?

Today is a good friend's birthday. He is turning 30. Every year for as long as I can remember, (which probably means grade seven since that is when I met him,) I have missed his birthday by exactly one day. Every year but this one it has truly been a mistake. I call on January 13 and say happy birthday, then apologize when he tells me it was yesterday, and we move on into another year. This year for some reason I remembered. It might partly be because his wife has inadvertently reminded me a few times. They are planning a big bash in the summer exactly half way between both of their 30th birthdays so I don't need to worry that I might be missing a party tonight. I was thinking about calling him tonight, but it just doesn't seem right.

I'll call him tomorrow. It's what I do.

All for now,

p.s. JWE if you are reading this: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'll talk to you tomorrow.


Blogger Angel said...

That's what wives and friends are for right? Funny enough he always was one day ahead of your birthday. He would get it wrong if it I didn't remind him it was the following day.

Be sure to keep that day free Kevin because I'm expecting you there. No if's and's or butt (steaks) ;)

1/14/2006 10:42 AM  
Blogger WestsideKef said...

HA Jenn... If he ever updated his blog, (*ahem* JWE?)

Ang, what was that date again? (email me, you wouldn't want the droves of my readers to all show up at the party...psh!)

1/14/2006 12:28 PM  

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